Opti-Sealed my car


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I decided to try out the new Opti-Seal on my car. Since I tried it on my g/f's car I was really really eager to try it on mine. I guess I used here just to get an idea on how to apply it and how it was gonna look. Well, I'm really really really excited about Opti-Seal. So easy to apply and so little goes a long way.

Started out with and ONR wash then dried with PB WW's

Applied OP with a PC and White LC Pad.

QD'd the car with TWPUG QD

Opti-Seal with supplied applicator x 1 Coat.

Next day. QD'd the car and applied 2nd coat of O/S.

Now- cant wait to apply the 3rd coat tomorrow.


















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Man that car looks great dude. thanks for the pics :thumbsupup[1]: I would say you have found your combo on that ride. I got a chance to see the black Infinity I did last Thursday and it still looked great, even though rained and it was not washed since. let us know how the stang and the other car you did are holding up.

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Have to agree with everybody else, that car looks great. got to use the opti-seal on my Trailblazer last night and have my application down I would say. if I ran across a spot where application was heavy ( near an edge of the hood), I flipped the applicator pad to other side that I was not using and knocked down the high spots with ease. did this method on the whole truck and it took me 10 minutes to do one application :groupwave[1]: so my advice is if you apply to heavy in one area and the high spot remains, flip the app pad to the dry side work it in and it will vanish in seconds. only had to do this a few times and my ride was 100% without streaks. after an hour went by I sprayed one pump right on a small section of the hood to make sure I used waaaaay too much. proceeded to use the above method and results were 100% perfect finish. sorry to hijack this thread, wanted to share my tip, hope this tip works for others.

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Hey Ron!

I did have some problems with streaking. I just contributed it to using too much product. I would just rub it in a little more. If I had any spots that didnt dissappear, I would just go over it with a microfiber towel. This seemed to work pretty well. I also started using a smaller Meg GC yellow pad. It didnt seem to be as grabby as the larger one. It seems to be catching on the dry spots on the pad. Just a few simple issues that will go away when ppl get use to the application of O/S. Great product!


Thanks for the comps too.


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