Opti-Seal impressions


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Hello Everyone. It has been a long time in posting, however, I have been managing to keep up with the reading. I have grown my business and things are busy. Hopefully, I can post more frequently in the future.




My initial impression of Opti-Seal has nothing to do with the product itself, but with the amount of profit this product has allowed me to make! I just recently purchased a bottle after depleting my older sealent products. If time spent, setting up, exserting physical force in working, and cleaning up determine the amount of hours taken to work a job. Then this is reflective upon the bottom line of anyone's business. If the job could be done quicker, more efficiently, while providing the best outcome possible and keeping costs to a minimum, this would in fact increase profit, as well as, physical wear and tear. Given this, the ability to provide more service to more customers without increasing the physical output also will increase the bottom line.


OK.....enough of my carefully rehearsed ad-libbing.


I would like to thank Dr G. and all who were involved in the creation of this product. After one use i consider it a vital part of my arsenal. For years I have been looking to excersise the philosophy of less is more. My goodness........OPTIMUM products have fulfilled this endeavor better than any other manufacturer on the market today!


No Rinse is absolutely the only way to wash a vehicle in the 21st century. I am able to become "green friendly" as well as provide my customers one of the highest quality wash and shine products available. My ability to use this same product as a quick detail enhances not only the cleanliness of the car but my profits......Also mentioning, less product equals more storage space both in my vehicle and on my shelves.


The Polish, Compound and Hyper Compound allow me to accomplish any tasks with three products only! They work as well if not better than what is available on the market today. again, I found that each manufacturers products takes a bit of time to adapt and form a style of use that best fits the methodology of the detailer. I cannot find any compromise using this polish and these compounds. More time savings with the lack of clean up!


The Spray Wax allows me to provide a handsome looking protective layer with an ease of use that my arms, shoulders and back appreciate more than anything. Well, almost as much as my times savings and profit margin! Most importantly, it provides my client base as much or more protection than other brands on the market.


Opti-Seal - I guess this is the main point of this thread.....(I was going to get around to this product eventually! LOL!)

Can any product my any easier to use? ~ Spray and apply by spreading. No buffing required. This is a truly "out of the box" thinking process that is to be commended. I am sure in more traditional circles, it would be considered sacrilege. ~ The epitome of less is more!.......Less strain on the physical aspect of this profession, while providing a time savings and ultimately, more profit margin. Less time to work the product equals more time to work more jobs. It looks exceptional as well.


Again, by using the Optimum product line I have yet to find compromise. This one factor, above all, is enough reason to provide my customers with technologically advanced products for today's technologically advanced automobiles.


Bravo and God Speed to all.


Continued Success Optimum Products!



My one request and consideration for a product that I found so important in my arsenal was the of sample glass cleaner, that in it's concentrated state functioned as a etched stain/spot remover. ( I know about the supply and demand factors in producing products.)

I used my samples to great effect as many of my first time clients, including those with very upscale automobiles, Porsche, MB AMG's etc....) have hard acid rain spots or sprinkler damaged vehicles. I was able to use this to "clean" these drastic anomalies from their cars without use any abrasives. In the past, I had to explain there wasn't much the customer could do shy of a new $8,000. repaint. Again, this product enabled me to charge accordingly for the procedure in restoring the paint to it's magnificent gloss. I will cast my vote and urge Dr. G. and the Optimum staff to consider this product even if it is in select niche one time production values. I miss it and need it desperately! (there ....I had to grovel). I feel like James T. Kirk, in Star Trek The Motion Picture after beeming Bones on board and Bones realizing it was Kirk who recruited him...."Kirk extending his handshake: "Bones!........I need you Bones!" this is the passion I feel for the concentrated glass cleaner.


Looks like I made up for lost time...... :kicking[1]:

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Guest Driven Auto Detail

I have a bottle of Opti-Seal on order (along with some other OPTIMUM stuff). I cannot wait to try it out. For many of the reasons you've already listed, I decided about a month ago to use Optimum products as my feature manufacturer. Until Optimum, I've not found a line that 1) was competitively priced for business use 2) products that I really enjoyed working with 3) allowed me to save time while achieving the same great results and finally 4) I could advertise the entire product line as environment and body shop safe. Optimum is the only line that gives me all 4 of those things, and more!


My biggest problem now is figuring out what I'm going to do with all these other products that I have sitting on my shelves. Once I've cleaned them out, I'll have so much more space to store my Optimum products along with other things that are about to bust out of my garage.


I can't say say how excited I am to use Optimum in my business!

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WOW! Great stuff to read guys, thanks! :drive1[1]:


When we started on the OptiSeal some years ago I wanted it to be just as easy to use as the spray wax and polish because that's what the philosophy of Optimum is....to make the job easier and to try and make one product cover a wide spectrum of uses, such as the No Rinse. As always Dr. G came through and designed a great product.


When the Optimum Polish started the idea was...."There should only be one polish, not 4 or more to do one car!" As you guys pointed out that costs money, takes up space, more time in application and a lot more time in clean up.


As a side note.....don't give up on the water spot remover just yet. I won't say anymore on that other than "new and improved" :kicking[1]:


We've got some nice new products coming out....well better said as "upgraded" versions coming out and also something in the works for "Professional Only" that if we can get working as we hope will really increase your profit margin. More news on that in the coming New Year.



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Guest Driven Auto Detail
We've got some nice new products coming out....well better said as "upgraded" versions coming out and also something in the works for "Professional Only" that if we can get working as we hope will really increase your profit margin. More news on that in the coming New Year.





Dang, I can't wait to find out the scoop!

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I also mainly use Optimum products in my mobile detailing business. I use a ton of ONR, that is what I wash with 90% of the time. I use Poli Seal probably everyday. Lately I've been using a ton of Opti Seal. I love how easy it goes on and how much time it saves, plus it gives a great look!


What would we do without Optimum Products!!!!

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