1930 Ford Model A Coupe


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We had a small car show last weekend show it was time to spruce up the paint a little. The car was polished using Menzerna 106ff and white pad. The LSP was Clearkote's Carnauba Moose and after the carnauba moose cured for 48 hours I went back with an ONR wash and then topped it with Opti-Seal the morning of the show. The Opti-Seal seemed to cure fine over the cured CMW and added a nice "bright glow" to the paint.


Questions, comments, and critiques welcome as always!



Note: When we recieved our ONR a few weeks ago Optimum sent a sample of OCW which I have used on my daily driver a Black Bmw 3-series. I will be posting up a full review on the OCW in a couple weeks once I can test the durability a little more! But so far I am really, really impressed with all of optimum products I have tried. (Opti-seal, ONR, OCW)







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I will put up a members picture area later in the new year but for now you can host your pics at Image Shack or Photobucket.


I have pictures stored at both places. So you upload your pictures there then you can copy a link from there of your pics and then paste them in your post.


I would love to see more pictures of that car so get er done!!


Just goggle Photobucket and Image Shack.



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