New Forum Look

Anthony Orosco

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I applied a new look to the forums last night, and also created a new banner (which was a complete pain to get right :thumbsupup[1]:) so if anyone is having any issues please let me know.


Also let me know what you think about the new look. I have another banner with different graphics but I need to fine tune a few things first.




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Thanks for the feedback.


I will try the other banner later as it's lighter in color but also a bit more flashy so I may need to tone down the colors a bit on that first.


I also just created some new icons for "New" and "not new" posts so those should be showing up now and working.


The forum seems to be running slow, at least for me, so I may need to look into that also.


Thanks again,


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Hey Anthony!


I hope you are getting over being ill.


Early this AM there was only half of the banner so guessed you were "playing" from your previous post on changes in the new year.


Seems real dark on the right side of the banner.


I see the little red X in the banner on the left where a picture should be I guess.


New post icons [atom symbol] are awesome!


Just a couple of little tweaks here and there - very nice to the eyes.


Fresh & sharp presentation. :thumbsupup[1]:

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I applied a new look to the forums last night, and also created a new banner (which was a complete pain to get right :thumbsupup[1]:) so if anyone is having any issues please let me know.


Also let me know what you think about the new look. I have another banner with different graphics but I need to fine tune a few things first.




OH! I HAVE issues....but they have nothing to do with the board. :cool2[1]::bottom[1]:

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Mast banner looking much better. I like the reflections aspect for the wording.


Still a little red x on the top left corner.


Site is responding faster also.


Keep up the good work.

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Thanks guys :thumbsupup[1]:


Not sure why you have a red square in your screen.....must be something on your end, perhaps you have your setting set to where it's not allowing certain files to show?



Thanks for the encouraging words everyone, I'm gonna keep working on a few other things for the forum then move to the Optimum Store and introduce a few new things there also.


Take care,


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