optimum polishes / porter cable/ flex compatability

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Guest Driven Auto Detail

I've not really used Hyper, but you could definitely try it. Anthony or one of the other Optimum guys could tell you for sure though.

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even hyper compound?? :thumbsupup[1]:


I have used all of the Optimum products with the PC and have had very good results with all of them. When using Hypercompound I used an orange LC pad and kicked the speed up to 5.5 to help break down the abrasives a little quicker. You can also try the compound with just a bit of the HC added to it. I have had pretty good results with this mixture as well.


In so far as the Flex is concerned, I have one on back order right now with one of the online vendors. (it's worse than waiting for a Wii!!!) Once I get it into my greedy grubby little hands, I will post a review and possibly a video

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