Unbiased Testing??

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I've been reading in another forum where it has been suggested that because Ron and myself have such a close association with Optimum and David that we would, in our remarks of Optimum products, be biased in our advice and reviews.


This is in part very true. There is bias in so many things we do that most of the time they go unnoticed. To suggest though that because Ron and I do the majority of the testing for Optimum products and because of that we are biased to them leaves out the logical conclusion that in order to get to the final product we had to go through many test samples. So obviously we are going to be biased towards them as we have, hopefully, fine tuned the end product enough to where we, as professionals, would want to use the product. Makes sense huh?


What people do not see is the road to the end product. Doctor G. sends us some stuff, "Sample A" (which always leads to sample's B, C, D, etc.) and we usually call him and talk to him about it. He wants honesty about the product and many times we literally tell him...."David, this stuff sucks.....it's just not working well. It needs to do this....or it needs more of this or that"


I have a growing shelf full of tiny 4ounce bottles that include beta samples of the Opti-Seal, numerous polishes, compounds, etc. I don't want to throw them out as one day maybe they'll be in a detailing museum :)



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I have a growing shelf full of tiny 4ounce bottles that include beta samples of the Opti-Seal, numerous polishes, compounds, etc. I don't want to throw them out as one day maybe they'll be in a detailing museum :)




Thats funny I threw away well over 50 4oz bottles a year ago all of the same product some full.

Now I keep what ever is sent to me for a month then in the trash it goes.


On a side note. One of the forum members who lives in Tn. was talking to David and told him the next time Anthony or I come to the plant to give him a call and he would make the drive over there. Davids reply was " Ron and Anthony have never been here"

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Guest Driven Auto Detail

I was just reading through that same thread this morning Anthony. You're right, most don't take into consideration that you have seen/used this product from the early stages of development. With the reputation that Optimum has, I can't imagine Dr. G ever putting out a product that doesn't perform as advertised. That in itself is reason for me to not question the people that do testing for Optimum.

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