Slight Hazing With New OCW & OID?

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Has anyone encountered a slight residue with OCW2 and OID that is almost not noticeable on light colors but on dark colors under sunlight or halogens, at a certain angle, exactly follows the direction of the last swipe with an MF towel? Only after allowing product to dry completely and following with a distilled water 'detail' does it disappear. Then the slickness seems to dimiish somewhat as well. I'm using the new wax straight out of the spray botttle and have diluted the OID with distilled H2O as per instructions. It is as though the product stays 'wet' no matter how much I wipe with the MF.


Any suggestions? Thoughts?

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Sorry to hear you're having these problems. I have read on Autopia where a person had these issues with the OID but then mixed it with distilled water and it appears to have solved his problems. The OID is highly concentrated so I actually dilute mine a bit more than suggested and have no issues now, but again I mixed it also with distilled water.


I had streaks also but then cut it a bit more and now no problems. As for the new spray wax.....I have had no problems so I'm confused on that one. Maybe others can chime in with that.


I do hope you get it resolved as I'm sure you'll love the results.



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I'm the one that helped that guy figure out his problem and now I'm a shill, WTF? I'm getting sick of the elitists over there. Sorry to hijack, just needed to vent.


Back to topic, I've had no issues. Light and dark look great. I did notice that the OID doesn't absorb into the MF so I don't have to spray every panel like I do with OCW. Maybe you used a little too much product?? Hard to say, just play with it.



Sadly this happens when you (or anyone) becomes too familiar with one product or product line. It happened with Scott some years back when he used the Moose products, me when I used a lot of Hi-Temp, others Zaino, Mothers etc.


It will get to the point that you'll be worried about replying because if you happen to mention "Optimum"(or insert the product of your choice), even in a thread where someone is asking a question about that particular product, you may be seen as a shill.


I'm also sorry for the hi-jack :beerchug[1]:



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I have no problems with the QD except when used in conjunction with Poli Seal.

I mix mine with regular tap water.

When I tested it I tested with RO water as well as tap water the results were the same.

You can probably apply to much of the product. I just use a light mist on the panel. I dont wet it like you have to do with

other QD's.



This problem you speak of on the other forum affects me as well. I would have much to say about lots of things that people post about but don't because if I'm going to get slammed for using and knowing to much about Optimum then why help out with other things. People think I am employed by Optimum. I have the trust of David to give him the feedback he needs to develop quality products for every one to use. All at no charge to Optimum. I have stuck by Optimum through the ups and downs and don't go for the flavor of the month like lots of people do. I believe in Davids vision and his products. Are there better ones some things mabe. take the polish 3 years ago dusting and workability were issues with the top company's now every one has polishes that are low dusting and have longer working times. Menzerna makes some great polishes and 3 years ago when no one was using them they were difficult to work with. Now all of the sudden it is easier to use. I think the things David is doing are impacting the entire industry.


Sorry to High Jack as well just had to rant a little.

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ufourya, next time try to spritz the product onto the towel instead of the surface.


There are some isolated cases when the QD product of choice is incompatible with the underlying layers, but spritzing the towels can help to distribute the product in a more even way.


There were spray sealants which were prone to this, but the mentioned method always works.

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ufourya, next time try to spritz the product onto the towel instead of the surface.


There are some isolated cases when the QD product of choice is incompatible with the underlying layers, but spritzing the towels can help to distribute the product in a more even way.


There were spray sealants which were prone to this, but the mentioned method always works.



Thanks, Bence. I have SOLVED THE PROBLEM with the OID by further dilution (Anthony's suggestion). The slickness is still there. It works great now. My underlying layers are all Optimum stuff, so I don't think that was a factor.


I am going to try a dilution of the new spray wax as well to see if it works better for me. I am assuming that distilled water will be okay to use. I'll let you know any results.

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I too had some of the same streaking issues you had both with the OCW and the QD. I was lucky enough to be able to talk to Doctor G about it and the fact is....I am using to much product. I think we were all raised on the over-the-counter products where if we used more product, we actually saw better results.

Optimum products are awesome in that you are actually getting product, not a bunch of water or filler product!! representing yet another hijacker (would that make me the fourth hijacker??) Integritydetail, I totally understand your frustration at some of the other places/forums. Oftentimes they are filled with primadonna know-it-alls and computer/car jockeys who know nothing more than the product d'jour. Additionally, you'll find that there is a cult following of those who fawn over what manufacturer supports that site or forum. The nice thing about this forum is that, yes even though it is directed primarily at Optimum products, we are free to talk about other products that work for us and even, dare I say, things we dislike about various Optimum products.


It's so very frustrating when you make what you feel is a helpful posting, only to be attacked by a bunch of zealots who believe they are the end all be all of car care. ( I took some serious lumps for my washmitt posting on a forum!!!) Phewwwwwwwwww kumbaya my......... :thumbsupup[1]: All better now.

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In the future, if some of you run across this issue from others in various forums, there are two main answers to the issue of streaking.


1) Too much product is being applied. Many quick detailers need more product applied so that an area can be covered, say a fender. Yet with the OID it needs only 1 spray at the most to cover a fender, due to its actives.


2) Not properly diluting it correctly. This happened to me with my first 32 ounce bottle. I only mixed it with half the water I should of! So I had tons of streaks and got upset until Ron told me I had mixed it too strong DOH!


A 3rd reason for streaks might be not fully working the product in or missing some product which is then allowed to dry on the paint.


Hope this helps,


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I certainly don't have the knowledge and background of you guys and I appreciate your advise and comments on this and other forums, but the results with Optimum products are fantastic . My car was in pretty good shape from an ONR wash, OCW and OID done on the 6th with a follow up ONR earlier this week but I couldn't resist the chance to give a quick OID today. It was 40 degrees in the garage, I know I use too much product, but there was absolutely no streaking. Next time I'll have to buy the concentrate as this stuff is addictive as Ron pointed out.

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