opti-coat pro plus and rain after fresh install


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how long after a fresh coating can the vehicle be exposed to rain? had a opticoat pro + put on and installer said it had been done  the day prior but i took delivery 3/21/2018 and email from opticoat confirming application stated it was applied the same day. there was a rain storm that day. i haven't washed it or exposed it to any chemicals. Im getting conflicting info on the web as to if  it was  safe to drive and whether it will be negatively impacted by rain. thanks!

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Welcome to the OPT Forum, Eddie.  The original formula Opti-Coat Pro only required 1 hour cure before getting wet.  Optimum recommends 12 hours for the current formula.  That is the suggested ait time, but the actual surface cure is dependent on conditions and I'm confident your application is good.  Your installer should not release the vehicle before it was safe to drive.

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  • 3 years later...

The original recommendation was apply Opti-Seal/Hyper Seal and the car can be driven in rain after 1 hour.  Experience taught us that if there was a chance of rain and no sealant was added, wait 12 hours before exposing it.  It was not a change in formula, more experience with the product.

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9 hours ago, Ron@Optimum said:

The original recommendation was apply Opti-Seal/Hyper Seal and the car can be driven in rain after 1 hour.  Experience taught us that if there was a chance of rain and no sealant was added, wait 12 hours before exposing it.  It was not a change in formula, more experience with the product.

So what is the current recommendation if a sealant like optiseal is added one hour after installation?  Is the one hour wait after that no longer enough and users need to wait 12 hours anyway like there was no sealant on it?

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