What happened to the Opti Coat Spray In Bedliner

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as usual, Setec is on target.  During Dr G's sabbatical to recover from illness, OPT management pursued some new technologies including clear film, a spray clear film, and bed liners. Optimum Clear Film is still sold, but spray film and bed liners were canceled as being expensive dark holes with no payback.

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Oh, I don't remember the spray clear film, was that like a sacrificial peel-off kind of thing that you would put on before a road trip?  Or was it kind of like spray-on PPF, that was supposed to be on there a long time?

I just remember Yvan with some wire brush kind of thing to scuff your bed before spraying the liner, and he was such a happy warrior about it...and I'm thinking...wire brush my new truck?  It was kind of a head-scratcher as to why Optimum was foraying into that, but the answer became apparent later.

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no, it was a true clear film but sprayable and in different colors - one of those great sounding ideas that was not practical.  OPT hired the installer (from UK) and invested in equipment/inventory before Dr G got a look at it and realized it didn't work. As my mother would say, Yvan was guilty of having eyes bigger than his stomach, never saw an idea he didn't love.  There were some hard times when Dr G got back, with tough decisions and hurt feelings, but he's totally engaged now and great things are happening.  I had retired, moved, and was out of the loop so avoided the worst of it.  Combine that with I work because I enjoy it and Dr G trusts me (after 20 years that is), I am greatly encouraged for Optimum's future.

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