ONR with OPC


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Greeting to all OPT Teams,Fans And Dr. G


Really love OPT product of ease of use.


I have some issue with ONRv2 which lack of cleaning power to clean up 2 week build up dust and road grime. My question is :-


(1) Is it possible to add OPC to ONR?


(2) Will OPC kill ONR polymer?


(3) What ratio is suitable? Even will wash all the wax/sealant is ok..


(3) Any other good washing method to increase ONR cleaning power?


Thanks for all those who reply ...




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Hi Kenneth


You may use OPC as a prespray before a ONR wash, but you will need to use the two bucket method as you will need to rinse your wash media after every panel.


1. spray OPC 5:1 on a panel and allow to dwell for a few seconds.

2. ONR wash as usual making multiple passes if needed.

3. rinse wash media in water only rinse bucket before returning to ONR bucket.


NOTE: OPC at any dilution will compromise/weaken/remove your LSP...so essentially you will only have ONR protection on the paint after using OPC as a prespray. Limiting usage to lower panels and front bumper will save time if you plan on adding OID, OCW, or OOS after your wash.


Thanks Chris,


At the moment, I spray at the damp M/F with OPC 10:1 and wipe around the working panel then follow up with ONR..


How about mixing them together? Any idea ?


Even the LSP is gone also fine as OPT wax/sealant are SUPER ease to use...


Thanks again




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PC should be rinsed so I recommend you stay with what you're doing or try my method. I do find that OptiClean cleans well as a pre spray and it doesn't strip wax.



Sent from my iPad 2 viaTapatalk


Thanks Chris


I will look through about Opti Clean




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