Raining 36 hours after opti-coat application


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Opticoat was applied in shade and got a chance to cure in the sun (we had an uncharacteristically warm sunny week for spring in Seattle) for the rest of the evening and next day. Then is started to rain (you can get lucky only for so long) and its been this was for 2 days straight. Wife has been driving the car as normal.



Will this cause a problem with OC 2.0 curing and durability?


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Should be fine.



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What about 4-5hours time? I used OC 2.0 for the first time this weekend instead of OG, so I'm not as familiar with it's properties. As it turns out, the client lives 45+ minutes from me and while everything was clear where I'm located, it absolutely dumped rain in his area all evening and all night. Is there a chance I'll have to recoat this car?

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