Cleaning Opti-Guard/Coat with Poli-seal or Finish Polish


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Would Poli-Seal or Finish Polish be best to "Clean" Opti-Guard/Opti-Coat 2.0? I want to clean off some spider webbing swirls and tiny water spots that improper application (In the sun) of Permanon Platinum left.


I was wondering what pad/speed/section pass combo I would start with (I use a PCXP)? Today I tried Poli-Seal with blue LC flat pad / speed 4 for about 2-3 section passes (Light pressure) and it did not do too much, but I was afraid of doing more passes/using more pressure for fear I would polish off the coating.


Also, can I assume once I use a pad with Poli-Seal it should be a dedicated Poli-Seal pad? LOL so hard to clean it out even with Wolfgang Pad Cleaner.


My goal is to remove as little OC/OG as possible. How many polishings with Poli-Seal can OG/OC stand up to?


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I just don't want to go too heavy as to remove the OG. Would stepping up to a white pad with polis-seal (3-4 passes) be too agressive? I would do a test spot first but I was not sure if this was too agressive for OG? Debating whether to leave the spots alone or go after them.

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  • 2 months later...

The best rule of thumb for you to go when doing your test spot is start off with least aggressive pad and polish combo that you have and then go from there. Change to a more aggressive pad or polish. Then adjust it to the level of correction that you want to achieve.

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  • 1 month later...

I cleaned off some high spots the other day with microfiber cloth and Opt Finish. I noticed that although I wasnt pressing hard, it seemed like it removed the Opticoat because I could clearly see a clean spot in the paint where I applied the Opt Finish. I re applied OC to that area and it still shows where it has been wiped. What do you suggest?

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