Over Done with the Opti-Seal

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This is a regular customers Hummer.

I applied a coat of AJ about a year ago.

My customer felt that it was time for another

coat of Sealant.


Now the finish is in great shape and only is washed by me.

After each wash I apply Optimum spray wax.

Today after the wash I cycloed the paint with Poli-Seal and white pads.

Then a quick wipe with Optimum spray wax.

Next was not one but two coats of the soon to be released Opti-Seal.

Last was a quick wipe down with spray wax again.


The pictures didn't come out as well as as I wanted.

I think the hood shot is the best representation of how it looked in person.




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That hood shot is very nice...you did an awesome job. Man I can't wait for Opti-seal to be released...I have a few clients waiting too and they are not even sure exactly what it does :censored[1]: (thats how much I talk about it)


PS I really like those steps I think I might steal that and use it when possible.

""Today after the wash I cycloed the paint with Poli-Seal and white pads.

Then a quick wipe with Optimum spray wax.

Next was not one but two coats of the soon to be released Opti-Seal.

Last was a quick wipe down with spray wax again.""

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Two coats with a cure time will give you a little more glos after the product

has had time to cross link. If you apply two coats within 30 min it would be like applying one heavy coat.

If you apply a heavy coat you may see some streaking.

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The hood is looking awful nice. good to hear that 2 coats can be used with a cure timeand will give some added benefit in the looks department. when using your poli seal, OCW, optiseal combo , is there any cure time necessary between any of the steps or are you guys layering them very soon after completing the previous step ? nice when products work well with each other and give us more options. thanks for your info.

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The only time that I waited to apply a product was the second coat of Opti-Seal.

I cleaned the wheels and fender wells.


I wouldn't do this on a regular basis (all these steps) Just running the product through different scenarios.

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The only time that I waited to apply a product was the second coat of Opti-Seal.

I cleaned the wheels and fender wells.


I wouldn't do this on a regular basis (all these steps) Just running the product through different scenarios.





Ok appreciate your insight on your wait times between applications. I agree for a customers car those steps seem to be a little overkill. good to see you guys trying all kinds of combos out as it is a great way of testing what people may do. I can see some combos that would be fast for the quickie details and another combo that would be better suited to the full blown top tier detail. either way the versatility makes the 3 products mentioned that much more appealing to me. so far I have used 2 of the three products and happy with both of them. throw in the durability factor of opti seal and people in the northeast can make it through the winter, with less effort and confidence knowing their paint is protected. :thumbsupup[1]:

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I have an M3 that the Body Shop next to me asked me to detail after I wet sanded it.

I have applied 3 coats of OS with a light wipe with spray wax ( just mist the towel) to remove the dust.

It looks liquid. I have shots but not with any direct sun.

Today it is sunny the car is here and I left my camera at home!

It is very slick to the touch.

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I have an M3 that the Body Shop next to me asked me to detail after I wet sanded it.

I have applied 3 coats of OS with a light wipe with spray wax ( just mist the towel) to remove the dust.

It looks liquid. I have shots but not with any direct sun.

Today it is sunny the car is here and I left my camera at home!

It is very slick to the touch.




Isn't that always the case, not having the camera when we need it ? like the sounds of the liquid look :thumbsupup[1]: still would not mind looking at the shots, even if they are not in full sun. the slick feel is a nice bonus.

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I have an M3 that the Body Shop next to me asked me to detail after I wet sanded it.

I have applied 3 coats of OS with a light wipe with spray wax ( just mist the towel) to remove the dust.

It looks liquid. I have shots but not with any direct sun.

Today it is sunny the car is here and I left my camera at home!

It is very slick to the touch.

Isn't that always the case, not having the camera when we need it ? like the sounds of the liquid look :thumbsupup[1]: still would not mind looking at the shots, even if they are not in full sun. the slick feel is a nice bonus.



Here Ya Go! :clap2[1]:





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Here Ya Go! :clap2[1]:



The pics do give me an idea of what it will looks like on darker color cars. the second pic with the lights beaming on it show it off pretty good IMO. really like the appearance of the wheel well area :thumbsupup[1]: thanks for the pics.

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