Hello OPT

Guest No.1 Custom Detailing

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Guest No.1 Custom Detailing

Hello everyone I'm from Australia but recently moved to the Philippines. Just so overwhelmed with OPT products. Formerly meguiar's, mothers, omikron, not until I found OPT. OPT has changed the way i look at cars and the way I detail and maintain. Its like upgrading from a cassette player to an iPhone music library. The product gave me so much inspiration and drive on my detailing business. Its really never ending learning. I'm very eager and very excited in creating new ideas in application with these products that would come out to an ultimate supernatural gloss on which I discovered few days ago on paint correcting before the application of Opti_Coat 2.0 on which I made few mistakes but what an outrageous shine. So excited to learn more on this forum. This is not just a forum but for me a learning Center. Just want thank Dr. G, Chris Thomas and the rest of the board members of this page for making OPT a new school and a smart technology on car detailing industry. More powers to all of you. Thank you all

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Guest No.1 Custom Detailing

As a proud OPT product user & Sub - Distributer in the Philippines, Cheers for your support and so glad to be here at OPT Forum. thumbsupup[1].gif

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