OC/OG Home Applications


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Im curious as to other applications for this product. For example inside of your home for granite and other stone countertops, grout and tile sealing, stainless steel sinks and faucets etc. I have applied OS to my shower tiles and they still bead water, my grout actually beads water after 4 months. I wonder if OC/OG can be a permanent sealant for these other surfaces. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I routinely detail my bathroom and Kitchen. I use OptiSeal on my shower walls, Porcelain sinks and the Stainless sink in my kitchen. My wife looks at me a little weird but loves me when the messes wipe RIGHT off...hehe. I will have to try OptiCoat 2.0 for a more perminent solution...Can't wait!

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