What will happen if you were to combine Optimum Car Wax+Optimum Instant Detailer?


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Last application of OCW was on 31/3(1 week ago) and washed my ride on Sunday 8/4 with the normal 2 bucket wash spiked with ONR. After the wash just an application of OID(using less is more). Used the car the following day to work as usual... no rain. The next day to work which is a Tuesday, it was raining in the morning and you all know what happen when the rain stops... you get SANDY ROAD plus free sand blasting from other drivers on your way to work. BUT during the lunch hour i took my ride out and i got this... :spoton[1]:


Lower part of the car is usually the dirtiest but what happens if you were to combine OCW+OID?.


"A picture is worth a thousand words"




Thanks to Seech/KC of OPT Malaysia for bringing in the OPT line! :thumbsupup[1]:


BTW, I am also blessed with covered parking at my work place!

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