New member here! Anchorage, Alaska. (RE: Atlanta, GA)

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Hello! New member here. I live in Anchorage, but my current 2 cars are kind of jalopies and not really worth detailing. I've used the good stuff at the auto parts store, Klasse was my first introduction to 'good' detailing products, stepped up to menzerna, and quickly found optimum products. Gotta say it's the best stuff I've ever used, loved the work time of the polishes and the minimal dusting.


I'm in the Air Force now as an F-22 mechanic, so I've been a little too busy with work and projects to do much detailing as of late, but I came here looking to ask a quick question.


My sister is buying a new car (or maybe 1 or 2 years old) and I told her about opti-coat. Who in the Atlanta, GA area can offer a good detail that may or may not include a polish depending on paint condition, along with a complete covering with opti-coat (excluding only the windshield and tires but every single other surface)? It would be great if she could just roll through a car wash and still maintain water beading, UV protection, and paint/trim gloss. I know no product is perfect, but I trust optimum with this difficult task given she is a PhD grad student and just isn't going to get out there and wax it herself. Any detailers in Atlanta area willing to apply opti-coat? It would be a compact car, Honda Fit or the like. Job would be in the next month or two.



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