Opti-Sealed, now want to add Poli-Seal. When?


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Hi Optimum,



I'm new to Optimum products, and recently applied ONR, Opti-Seal, OID, OCW (in this particular order) on my bike.

I have got Poli-Seal with me and want to try it too.

My question is, Would Poli-Seal do anything after all this?

Or I'd better strip everything, start again and make sure Poli-Seal is applied before Opti-Seal?


Thanks in advance ~!

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Howdy and welcome!


Poliseal is a chemical cleaner with light abrasives in it to remove light swirls. If you applied it, it would strip off everything you've done. When you notice the sheeting starting to fall off, apply poliseal which will really ramp up the gloss, then follow that up with optiseal. Then down the road on the next wash or 2 use the oid or the Ocw :).


What kinda bike you riding?

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