First time with Rotary - 25 Ford


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UPS man delivered my new Metabo rotary Friday but didn’t have a chance to use it till today which is Sunday. Of coarse I didn’t make it to a body shop to pick up a practice panel and I have not used a rotary before so I would problem need to practice. Well I could practice on an old car – yep that is what I will do, so the 35 Ford going to be my first attempt with a rotary. After inspecting the finish I had minor spider webbing and a couple of spots that has some light marring that will take some special attention. Nothing that OP or IP and a green pad on the Cyclo couldn’t take care of. Seems the most difficult areas are going to be the curved areas, which is about 75% of surfaces and the fenders being the worst with ridge going up the center. So I decided be conservative with pad and product selection and started with LC Black 6 ½ pad on 106ff working it at or below 1200 RPM – seemed safe enough.


1. I didn’t put the metal hand guard on the side handle – seemed like an accident waiting to happen.


2. Didn’t like the handle so removed it – found it easier to grab the body and the grip the head on the unit.


3. There is a piece the box to screw on to the arbor which makes the arbor about 1 ½ inch longer which I felt made it way to long and made it hard to control.


4. My backing plate has center hole to aid in alignment of the LC pads with center holes – found that a 5/8 deep well socket fits perfectly in the hole in the back plate and makes pad centering a snap and perfect every time.


5. Cleanup is a snap – I use an old ice cream tub and some DP pad cleaner and spin dry inside of a 5 gallon bucket and lay flat to dry.


6. I notice on TOL site they recommend against using dawn and claims it will loosen the Velcro on the pad and hard to wash at all the soap residue.


7. I really do like the soft start and if you plug it in the switch on it will not start – you have to turn it off then back on.



This is a single stage paint that was painted in 1998. The majority of polishing was done at or just above the 2 setting which on the Metabo is about 1100 to 1200 RPM using a LCC black pad and 106FF. I did break out a LCC white pad and 106ff for a scuff mark on the running board. I even slowed it down to 700 RPM and did inside the side (which is about a 1 wide area) and rear windows ledge using the edge of the pad only. I had no rotary skip nor did I have any problems controlling the rotary – I did the center of the roof one handed just hanging on the backend of the rotary. After doing a IPA wipe down and moving into the sun I will say that it is ready for LSP – swirl and hologram free. I have a Cyclo and PC and using the rotary is lot faster than the Cyclo and heads above a PC. My biggest regret is that I didn’t do it sooner.

Here is the pictures after a IPA wipe down and the car is naked with not QD or LSP….











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