Optimum hard water spot remover

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Good evening all,

I noticed mention of this product in another thread, any idea on when this will be available? I ask because I have some hard water spots on my Redfire metallic Mustang from the sprinkler system at a Texas Hill Country B&B that my wife and I stayed at. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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Good question.....honestly Doctor G. and I have been so occupied with the coating plus some other goodies I have forgotten all about the water spot remover :confused1[1]:


I'll ask the good Doctor about it tomorrow.


Thanks for the joggle of my mind,


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  • 1 month later...
Good question.....honestly Doctor G. and I have been so occupied with the coating plus some other goodies I have forgotten all about the water spot remover :rock[1]:


I'll ask the good Doctor about it tomorrow.


Thanks for the joggle of my mind,



BUMP! :)

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Sorry about this late reply.........I haven't had much time to get on the forums lately.


Well as far as any updates for the water spot remover.... I have none, sorry :) I believe it is ready to go public but the main focus has been on the coating and some improved versions of other products which are in their final beta testing (hopefully) and then come labels and legal stuff.


If I hear anything from Dr. G. I'll be sure to inform everyone.



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Sorry about this late reply.........I haven't had much time to get on the forums lately.


Well as far as any updates for the water spot remover.... I have none, sorry :unsure: I believe it is ready to go public but the main focus has been on the coating and some improved versions of other products which are in their final beta testing (hopefully) and then come labels and legal stuff.


If I hear anything from Dr. G. I'll be sure to inform everyone.




"some improved versions of other products"


OK! Not Fair!


Spill the beans Anthony. What's being improved???? :thumbsupup[1]:

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