Opti-Seal, how often?


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Many people apply Opti-Seal and then maintain/refresh it with OCW, but....

Since Opti-Seal is so easy to use, I'm tempted to just wipe on another coat of Opti-Seal when I get that urge to do something. It's every bit as easy, maybe even easier than a spray wax to use.

How often would be too often to apply Opti-Seal?

Monthly doesn't seem like it should be a problem, but how about weekly?

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Many people apply Opti-Seal and then maintain/refresh it with OCW, but....

Since Opti-Seal is so easy to use, I'm tempted to just wipe on another coat of Opti-Seal when I get that urge to do something. It's every bit as easy, maybe even easier than a spray wax to use.

How often would be too often to apply Opti-Seal?

Monthly doesn't seem like it should be a problem, but how about weekly?


weekly would be much too often and a waste of product IMHO. I could see the appeal of monthly, but depending on your climate and conditions that is still more frequent than is required just from a paint protection point of view.


Personally I use a good QD after a wash and then add another layer when i get the urge but 6-8 weeks sounds like quite enough. If you wash with ONR you are adding protection with each wash anyway....

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Hi Charles, good to see you here!


I think as Damon said, but initially you may build up a healthy 3-4 layer protection weekly. OOS is very durable so there is no point it doing too frequently, especially because it keeps its look for so long. Using the OOS/OCW/OID triplettes is utterly satisfying and gives wonderful results - besides, ONR adds a little bit of look too.

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