Spammers and our new members...How to handle them.


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First, I'd like to thank our strong and loyal members for continually making and keeping this bulletin board one of the most civil, clean, friendly and easy to moderate boards on the web. You folks exemplify what a web board should be. I know that I speak for Anthony and Ron when I tell you that it is not only an honor, but a pleasure to moderate this board.

So, what should you do if you see something inappropriate? Well, please, no matter how new to the board you may be, report it to me or one of the other moderators. Your report goes directly to email, which I check almost every five minutes, unless I'm out of town on business.

Today we had a string of spam that would have been innapropriate in a Phuket bordelo. Thanks to a few of you, we were able to almost instantly ban those spammers and record their IP addresses.


We have ZERO tolerance for spam, much less spam of the type that we received today.


Don't ever hesitate to report inappropriate threads and posts, no matter how new you may be to the board, or even if you are a guest.

We will always act as soon as possible.


Thanks for your help, and thank you for being a part of our little community.

Best Regards,



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