After OOC wash


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washed with OOC and used OOC dilution as a QD after...



IMG_0702 by sydtoosic, on Flickr
IMG_0699 by sydtoosic, on Flickr
IMG_0698 by sydtoosic, on Flickr
ordered some OCW and another optimum product but for the life of me can't remember which one... just received a gallon of OOC & ONRWW, so i'm straight for a while... thanx for such a great product. it's ridiculous how much money i've wasted over the years buying detailing products when all i needed was optimum... you live and you learn. EDIT, i think it was OPC.
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It's hard to make white "pop". You seem to have accomplished that on this Lexus. Looks like you have got great reflection on that hood. Nice work.

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It's hard to make white "pop". You seem to have accomplished that on this Lexus. Looks like you have got great reflection on that hood. Nice work.

thanx Paul... i stay on top of keeping her clean, with the OC, ONR and ONRWW ( :worthy[1]: ) it's so much easier to keep her sparkling.

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You're diggin that car, aren't you? I like it when ppl take pride in their ride. I hate to see ppl who have cars like that treat it so common...I'm thinking "you know you don't deserve a nice car like that."

yeah Chris... i'm loving this car but i'm this way with all my cars, cameras, iPads, iMacs, MacBooks, everything i own i take care of. i hate to see someone with a beautiful car and then let it go to ****. my brother just bought an LS and i have him hooked on Optimum products. he calls me and says "hey i need to wash my car you got that stuff"...

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