High spots


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For me (others may have a different process) but when making a repair, I tend to run it the course of the entire panel. For example, making a repair to the driver's fender....I'll repair the desired part and then polish the remainder of the panel with Hyper Polish to allow the new application to adhere. If there is a physical divider/rub strip involved (e.g. door) then I'll only recoat the section that had the repair, not the entire door. In my experiences, OC will "blend" just fine with an older application. It's not like having a car resprayed and color matching.

As far as defect removal (water spots) under the coating, when you have removed it, that will be the sign that you have made it through the coating. If you have high spots on the coating (from the application process) then a light polish on those highs will take care of them.

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