5-month old OCP critique


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I got OCP done through an experienced detailer (it was done immediately after I took the deliver), and have been doing car washes at least per monthly basis. Like most people, 2-bucket wash w/ waffleweave towels to dry. Wash the car from top to bottom, etc.


I took a photo of my car after drying it, and wondering if I can get some feedback:

-Do you see anything wrong with my paint?

-What can I do to improve?





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Water beading and every OCP characteristics are there (except rock chips here and there).


First time OCPed my car (by reputable detailer). Very happy with the product and will do it again.


Slightly off-topic, if I get wraps (clear bra, color wraps, etc.), does OCP bond with it or not? I think I heard about people OCP on top of wraps but can't figure out where I saw it.


Thank you!

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Guest Driven Auto Detail

Ron can correct me if I'm wrong...


You can put clear bra over OCP, but not Gloss-Coat or OCP+ as the latter two are a slick finish. You can also put OCP on top of Xpel clear bra film, which they actually recommend.


In a dream world, you would put OCP on the paint, lay down Xpel, and then coat Expel with OCP/OCP+. That way, if the film ever has to be removed, OCP is still protecting the paint, like the rest of the car. Make sense?


From what I've been told, OCP needs to cure for 7 days before film can be installed over it though.

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Mike is right on all counts - OCP has been put under, over, and all around a variety of clear films with no issues. XPEL recommends coating over their film for additional protection. Some film installers are concerned about Gloss-Coat and OCP+ and I haven't heard anything about applying over them. We recommend waiting 7 days before washing OCP with soap and the same applies to adding film.

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