Water spots. Acid bath required?


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I went to a local detailing shot and wanted to see if he can remove water spots off my truck.  I have the pro plus coating and he wants to charge $250 for an acrid bath to remove the spots.  I was under the impression that since I have the pro plus coating that MDR should remove these without an issue?  

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7 hours ago, Ron@Optimum said:

water spots vary and treatment varies - if MDR doesn't work, use a wheel cleaner (similar to acid bath) like Meguiars Hot Rim Chrome Wheel Cleaner.  These chemicals will not damage OCP+. 

im going to get this a shot.  Any directions I should follow?  Just spray on a towel and go? 

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1 hour ago, Ron@Optimum said:

you can spray on a towel or directly on the spots...let it dwell for a minute or 2, then rinse well.

Thanks!  Last thing. I do notice a few spots in the windows. My side windows are coated with pro plus as well so should I be fine?  For the front window I have glass pro. Would that be ok to use as well?

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