Please advise, how to revive water beading of Opti-Coat (Opti-Guard)?


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Had my 2012 Mustang professionally Opti-Guarded by an authorized installer a tad over a year ago (Including 2-step paint correction) The detailer posted his work on the car here, just for the record:


Anyhow, the car is outside 24/7 and was driven all winter 3-4 days a week here in New York. It was not washed all winter. Upon doing a basic hand wash with Mothers car soap and Chennile MF mitts it is not beading water at all anymore. Suggestions?


I've considered trying Optimum Power Clean on the paint, but don't know the ratio or the specific procedure. Also thought about claying. Please note I don't own a polisher and would prefer to avoid any abrasives that might remove some of the coating.


Any help would be appreciated.




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ive also found that ironx snow foam is a good start. could just need a good decon like chris suggested.


Also CarPro recently released Reset.


"Reset breaks down road grime and traffic films with the power of an alkaline cleaner, whilst being as gentle on the surface as a pH-neutral shampoo. Afterwards Reset quickly rinses free from the surface, leaving behind no soap residues or interfering silicones, and restoring the beading and dirt releasing properties (The ‘Hydrophobic Effect’) of the surface to help maintain its protection"

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I'm not familiar with that Mothers wash, but it's possible a sheeting agent in it has attached to the Opti-Coat and killed the beading. I would try the OPC wash or Reset as Primo suggested. The Wiki suggests a 3:1 OPC dilution for painted surfaces. Just don't let it dry on the surface.

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Hey guys, thanks for the thoughts and suggestions. This is what I have decided to try:

-First Carpro reset wash.

-Then Carpro TRIX for decon.

-Then another reset wash.


At that point I will see where I am at. If the problem isn't solved I will then go to a clay bar.


If that doesn't do it then I would have no idea what the deal is. There is no way this "Permanent" coating I paid $800 to have done by an authorized pro should be gone already. Especially since it has been exposed to zero abrasives. It has only been exposed to a few hand washing with MF mitts and Meguiars CG soap. (And the elements of being outside).

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First, Welcome!

Second, I will share my experince that I had last night. I OC 2.0 my wife's car over a month ago. After washing it last night, I too noted a lack of beading on the hood and roof but the rest of the car was fine.

I decided to rewash it. This time, however, I added Optimum Power Clean to the Optimum Car Soap. I added a half an ounceof OPC and 1 1/2 OCS to the foam gun. With my wash bucket I added 2 ounces of OPC to OCS to 2 3/4 of water.

After the rewash, the beading/sheeting wash back.

This past week was BAD with the Spring contaminants and spotty rain. The layer was really thick. It was so thick that even my wife, who normally doesn't say anything, told me her car was " philthy."

Hopefully it's a quick fix for you.



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Anything on the surface will change the beading characteristics. Most likely its just a road film that needs to be removed...and while the chemicals you've mentioned are good - stuck on year old build up will likely need to be clayed or autoscrubbed. OCP still needs to be cared for even though it resists chemicals and etends maintenance tasks. You still need to wash every couple of weeks to keep contaminants from building up. And if you used to have to clay every 3 months, you can extend that to 6 months under the same circumstances. "A few hand washings" over a year is just not enough care.

Thanks for the tips. What is autoscrub?
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First, Welcome!

Second, I will share my experince that I had last night. I OC 2.0 my wife's car over a month ago. After washing it last night, I too noted a lack of beading on the hood and roof but the rest of the car was fine.

I decided to rewash it. This time, however, I added Optimum Power Clean to the Optimum Car Soap. I added a half an ounceof OPC and 1 1/2 OCS to the foam gun. With my wash bucket I added 2 ounces of OPC to OCS to 2 3/4 of water.

After the rewash, the beading/sheeting wash back.

This past week was BAD with the Spring contaminants and spotty rain. The layer was really thick. It was so thick that even my wife, who normally doesn't say anything, told me her car was " philthy."

Hopefully it's a quick fix for you.



Hi Steve,

Thanks and yeah I almost bought some OPC, glad it worked for you. Will keep that in mind!

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