Why no 5 Gallon?

Shawn F.

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Is there a reason Optimum does not carry things like their soap and power clean in 5 gallons for those of use who like to buy in bulk? I see that you can order through phone in gallons but nothing offered in 5 gallons... Is this something Optimum is working on doing or no?

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Ok I understand, thanks for clearing this up for me. I usually buy my degreasers in 5 gallon pails but dont mind the gallons if I have to. I hear power clean is some very great stuff compaired to most other degreasers so I plan to give it a try first and if I like it I will buy a few gallons of it.

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Integrity is right now. I talked to David about carrying the 5 gallons and it just isn't cost effective once you figure the price of the container plus the extra shipping charges. I also give a discount when buying in bulk to help out all of the detailers.


The Power Clean is a great product. I hardly ever have to use it at full strength, it is a great bang for the buck.

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Sounds good then Justin. I will have to make a small order of it and try it. I will be ordering those pads from you so when I place that order I will give this stuff a try as well. Looks like I wont be able to make the order until Monday when I get some extra cash in but no later because I have two jobs comming up and my pads are destroyed and old.

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One additional little comment, most optimum productrs go so far, that 1 gallon is often more finished product than 5 gallons of another product. Since we have started using optimum products our compound consumption has been reduced by close to 80%, the spray detailer which we dilute as per the instructions , goes a very long way, and the opti gel is a product that when applied corrrectly has a surprisingly low useage rate. For most shops a 5 galon container of most products would last way too long, you would have left over product when a new formulation came out(I met DR G at SEMA/NACE and he is not one to rest on his accomplishments, new and better are always not far away).

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