Powerclean Review


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I was lucky enough to win a bottle of powerclean and promised to do a review on it. Our weather has seems to be breaking, it was 50 and windy this weekend. Better then 20s and snow! I had some time where I didnt have to rush around trying to keep my hands from freezing so i decided to take some quick photos of my process.

I used powerclean diluted 3:1 per direction on the bottle. I was going to tackle my wheels and tires that havent been cleaned for about 3 weeks. Last protectant that I put on them was the the Opt tire shine, which seems to keep my tires cleaner, but that will be another review.

The subject, as you can see my tires have raised white letters that make it a little more difficult to clean. I typical use Blech White or Megs APC+ @4:1 to clean the tires. Wheels had typical break dust and some grime on them




Sprayed the product on wheel and tires, let it soak for about 30 sec and scrubbed with a tire brush. Looking at the white letters 1 pass didnt get them bright white, it left a little behind.



After another quick spray and scrub of just the letters its nice and clean now.



Full wheel view



Tire dried



Overall I am happy with how the product cleaned. Comparing Powerclean to Megs APC+ they seem similar to me for cleaning wheels and tires, Powerclean is more expensive. For wheels and tires I think I will continue to use Meg APC based solely on cost. This is somewhere I tend to use a lot of product so I am thrifty with what I use.


I will have to try some Powerclean under the hood, on exterior bugs/left over wax, and on the interior before I make my final ruling on this product. Powercleans label says paint safe, I cant make that same claim for Megs APC+. Let me know if you have any questions that I can answer. Thanks Chris and OPT for giving me the chance to try out your products.

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Thanks for the review! I still can't wait to give this a shot, still trying to get rid of my Meg's apc gallons, I'm looking over my iPhone so I could see a difference in brightness between the 2 pics, but that's one thing I thing Meg's doesn't do that great at, tires, sometimes I have to go over them 2-3 times scrubbing to get a tire clean :( I'm hoping opc will cut down on the time I'm having to spend to clean tires, if so it would be worth it to me for the extra cost and to have a paint safe apc aswell as I could find alot of uses for that :) thanks again!

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I use blech white for white walls too. I'll have to give PowerClean a try. Can't stand the smell either. :thumbsupup[1]:


I'm guilty of using Westleys tire bleach for many years. I guess old habits are hard to change.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I use blech white for white walls too. I'll have to give PowerClean a try. Can't stand the smell either. :thumbsupup[1]:


I too used Westley's Bleche-Wite for many years but after trying Power Clean I will never go back to Bleche-Wite again.

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