Opti-Seal Meets Mini Cooper

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k...these pics are about 45 minutes after application done late in the evening with a setting sun. Not the best light.








I used OP and Poly-Seal about 3 weeks ago - today I just washed and dried and applied. :groupwave[1]:

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Looks great, From the pics it so wet and red!. Did mine today (2 coats) and in the morning i will do one more before i go to work in the morning. :beerchug[1]:



I just completed my second coat and yep one in morning is what I have planned also. :groupwave[1]:

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Great car with a beautiful look!


Tomorrow you guys that have OptiSeal on your cars, hit it with some water, a good force of water from the hose and let us know your thoughts.


If you rinse your car down after OptiSeal is applied and then use a leaf blower to dry it it is my guess that you will only need to blot dry the car in a few areas.


Give it a try,


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