OCW in the ONR Bucket Followed by OS


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Hope I got all the abbreviations right.


I read somewhere that you can add an ounce of OCW (Optimum Car Wax) into the bucket with your ONR wash and do a wash and wax. I haven't tried it yet but think I will soon. This lead me to another thought. I believe I remember that Optimum Products aren't terribly picky about order of application. So I'm guessing that putting on Optiseal after doing this wouldn't be a problem - right?




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I frequently mix some OCW with ONR.


My cars are covered in OG (opti-guard) so I don't bother with OS after. But, OS would be a great way to finish off a ONR and OCW wash.

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I do the same as Todd, OCW in ONR over my Opti-Coated car. If I am going to use Opti-Seal instead, I usually just do a straight ONR wash, but now I will have to try it with OCW mixed in just to see how it looks.

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