Only had this issue twice....


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On two separate occasions I have had either the Hyper Sprays (compound or polish) and the liquid ones (polish and compound II) start to goober up on me. I constantly fluff my MF pads when using the spray, and also clean my foam pads on the fly when using the polish or compound II. I'm using a FLEX 3401 with the 4.5 inch backer. I'm using 5.5" foam and 5.25" MF pads. My speeds range from 4-5.5, for compound and 3-4 for polish. After the product goobers up, it flashes (for lack of a better word) in spots and becomes a pain to get off. Like I said, this hasn't happened more than twice. Perhaps I need to get a real pad washer? I forgot to mention that I usually have 4 of each pad, so I'm not using the same pad for each panel. I also prime both my MF pads (with a spray or two) and butter the foam when they are being used for the first time. Thanks for reading, and thanks for suggestions.



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Thanks guys for the replys. How about machines? I've had great success with Opti compounds and polishes with my 3401, but wonder if getting another rotary is needed with these products? I sold my Dewalt rotary prior to using OPT compounds and polishes. Again, thanks for the replys.



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I have a nasty Dodge Ram (1994 I think) that is going to test my skills. I hope throwing the whole Optimum arsenal at it will save me some time and gray hairs.


Yes,OCC products WILL save time as opposed to products that dust heavily.

OAN: purchase another rotary...will save even more time :thumbsupup[1]:

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Yes, a new rotary will be in my near future. I had to buy some M105 to mix in with the Compound II, for extra bite. I was using the LC yellow pad on my 3401 and just couldn't get the cut that I wanted with only the Compound II. Needless to say, the dusting created more work for me in the end. That being said, is wool the choice pad with either OPT Hyper Compound, or Compound II when using a rotary?

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Yes, a new rotary will be in my near future. I had to buy some M105 to mix in with the Compound II, for extra bite. I was using the LC yellow pad on my 3401 and just couldn't get the cut that I wanted with only the Compound II. Needless to say, the dusting created more work for me in the end. That being said, is wool the choice pad with either OPT Hyper Compound, or Compound II when using a rotary?


Wool is just another tool in the toolbox.

Product and pad choice is determined by the testspot and what one is trying to accomplish.

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