Gloss Coat over 2.0


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I wanted to apply gloss coat over 2.0 however, I wanted to make sure that I do not abrade the surface anymore than is needed as the clear coat on this car appears to be weak. What would be the best possible way of applying gloss coat and making sure that it will stick to the coat/paint?


Not much information on gloss coat, would have expected which such a drastic change from 2.0 to gloss coat that optimum would have made as much information available. But that is just a whole other subject.



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Chris, I am doing what you advised re: using HyperPolish on a finishing pad to "scuff up" a three year old OptiCoat 2.0 application prior to applying Gloss Coat. Is there any issue with then following up with a true "jeweling" step with Finish Polish prior to Gloss Coat? Or do you think Finish Polish would be enough to prepare the OC2.0 surface to accept Gloss Coat and skip the HyperPolish altogether?




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