black disco 4


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61 plate disco was booked in for a winter treatment plus look at the trim on the lower part of the doors

all the door trims was really cleaned using power clean

the trims was treated with OPT trim restore & protect

the disco was polished with GPS with opti seal with a coating on the glass coating made my opt to









OPT shampoo

valetpro wheel cleaner

britemax ironmax

OPT power clean


OPT opti seal

OPT tyre gel

Glass cleaner

Opt glass coating

OPT pro coat trim restore & protect

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What is the Pro Trim Restore and Protect, is this a new product



Nice catch, I guess I missed that...I must have been trying to figure out what a 61 plate disco was...a discotheque that seats 61? Oh, I guess a "disco" is a Discovery, I still don't know what 61 plate means, it's certainly not a 1961.


So this sounds like maybe another pro-only product like the interior coating. Too bad.

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I assume there must be some Pro only section somewhere in which these products are discussed. My guess is it is in the interest of Pro's and consumers they know a little about these products before they pay for them


Yeah, over here:


But nothing about any trim product, only paint, glass, interior.


OPT hasn't been too good about tooting their own horn lately, even about the consumer products, we've had no official announcement on Gloss-Coat, which has been out for months, let alone the upcoming products like FerreX, MDR, or the new polisher.

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