Silicone Carbide vs SIO2 based coatings.

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I have been listening to some of Optimum's podcasts, and heard Dr G. talk alot about how Opti-Coat (I am assuming Pro) is Silicone Carbide based, which creates a permanent bond to the clear coat, while other coatings are SIO2 based.  Since Gloss Coat isn't a permanent coating, I am assuming it isn't Silicone Carbide based.

Is Gloss Coat an SIO2 based coating or something else?  What  are its benefits vs other coatings?

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8 hours ago, The Guz said:

Gloss Coat is a hybrid coating consisting of SiO2 and SiC.  According to Yvan of optimum, one advantage is that gloss coat does not require a rejuvenation type product to maintain it's properties. 

...but from your experience maybe it should!

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