Hello from Colorado

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Hello.  I just got a new to me 2020 WRX series white and I am just learning about modern exterior care, including rinseless wash, sealants, coatings, etc. 

My plan is to prep the surface in the coming weeks (ONR, clay, polish, optimum paint prep) and apply optimum gloss coat, followed by opti-seal to protect it during curing, then use hyperseal on top of that and as a drying aid for maintenance washes with ONR.

My understanding is that hyperseal will help with the longevity of the gloss coat, whereas opti-seal will just shed off and not do much.


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1 hour ago, Ron@Optimum said:

Welcome to Optimum from a former WRX owner - you have a good plan to protect that soft Subaru clear coat!  Hyper Seal will bond and be durable on Gloss-Coat...and provides additional hardness/chemical resistance.

Thanks, Ron.  It is true that opti-seal isn't very helpful on top of a cured gloss coat?

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