hyper polish instead of hyper compound on order!!! OOPS!

primo spaghetti

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So now i have a question...


with everything being equal, which has more cut Hyper polish or Polish II.


AND which finishes down nicer Hyper Polish or Polish II.


the place where I ordered the Hyper compound from is closed and im ready to detail this afternoon! please help.





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The Optimum Hyper Polish in its current form has an increased cut over Optimum Polish II. The new Hyper Polish and Compound work really well with the Lake Country HydroTech pads but the compound does not seem to like the LC foamed wool.


I have used the Hyper Polish with a large range of pads more so than the Hyper Compound and so far it pairs nicely with everything from polishing to cutting.


It also works well with an orbital BUT I do not like the Hydro pads on an orbital or DA like the Flex. To me it seems to tear up the pads.



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I have tons of hyper polish. I love this stuff, and it is my go-to product for all single step polish jobs. I'm amazed at how well this porduct cuts and finishes down. I'll even bump up to orange and even yellow LC flat pads if I need a tad more bite, especially if I'm not wanting to venture into a compound on a given job. However, I have had great success using the OPT MF cutting pad with the hyper polish. You'll love this stuff.

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