Your way to apply.


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So, I find myself using the method Chris demonstrated on the red Viper (thank you, sir!) but I've also seen people transfer OG to a fine mist spray bottle and even a gravity fed paint gun. So, what's your method and why?


I find I like to apply a small amount to the panel as in the video and use the applicator to spread and even it out. I actually used about 6 cc for a BRZ, which I felt was pretty decent.


Anywho, I thought it would interesting to see how many different ways this awesome product can be used.

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I switch back and forth, between putting it on the applicator and on the paint...guess what ever mood I'm in. I've seen it done that way (Chris' video) and know that it works. He also had did a video using a silver Nissan a while back. That method used both the syringe and a small spray bottle. Glad he made those two videos.

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Oh my!! I've tried it so many ways.


Overall favorite on paint is either the carpro foam block with 4x4 suede sheet or the yellow applicator that comes with the opti kit, applicator placed inside a nitrile glove and a suede 8x8 sheet wrapped around that. Either way I apply straight to the suede.


Intrigue grilles I airbrush them and use my air compressor to spread the product out and help it flash.

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I saw the shop towel method mentioned before but was afraid it would marr the finish. However, if you are having success with it Chris I must try it. Are you using a specific brand of shop towels or just the normal ones from the auto store? I don't have an air compressor as of now so I'll have to skip that. When you said you wipe any away with a very flat hand, is that with a mf towel? I have found the OPT towels work best with my application because the nap is shorter and less grabby than other brands which is perfect.

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