Bugs and Opti-coat pro w/gloss

Guest ThickWK2

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Guest ThickWK2

Hi All,


I had opt-coat pro with gloss applied on my car around a month ago. I've been washing at the recommended 2 week interval, with minor cleaning of bugs every couple of days.


Anyway, I went to clean the bugs off the other day and noticed that one has left a yellow stain (on my white car) and I'm wondering if you have tips on how to get it off. It couldn't have been on there more than a few days, so I'm not sure why it stained so quickly. I've used the Optimum no-rinse and a microfiber, which did nothing. I even graduated to a gentle rubbing with a dryer sheet and still it's there.


I'm afraid it's etched into the opti-coat and is will now remain forever. Is there anything that I can do to get rid of it or am I stuck until I polish off the opticoat?





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First, welcome to the Optimum Forum! Bug guts should not etch Opti-Coat Pro, but may effect Gloss-Coat. You can try a cleaner polish (GPS, Poli-Seal) by hand to remove the yellow but not the Coating. And sometimes vinegar will work.

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Guest ThickWK2

Thanks both for the suggestions! I'll give it a try this weekend and report back. I am happy to hear that the coating hasn't been etched (which was my big concern!)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest ThickWK2

Hi All! So, I finally got around to trying the suggestions listed above, but nothing really worked. I bought some GPS polish, but the stains are still there and, there is even a new one. I'm a bit concerned with how easily the opti-coat is staining. Are there any other suggestions for removing these stains? Is it safe to use a more abrasive polish? Any help that you all can offer is greatly appreciated as I'm beginning to get a bit concerned.

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Guest ThickWK2

So, I'm thinking of using a tar and bug remover to get rid of these stains, is this safe to use on opti-coat or will is stip it off? Would a simple claying work better?

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  • 3 months later...


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