Opti-Seal on Tires?


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Just wondering if anyone has experimented with this combo? OOS seams to do a very good job at rubber trim around the rest of the car, so it got me thinking about the tires as well.


Would be great to use the OOS on the wheels AND the tires all at once!



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Someone asked about using Optiseal on rubber trim (possibly tyres) a while ago, the view from Chris Thomas was it was not recommended as it could dry out the rubber. Unfortunately I cannot find the thread and presume it was deleted by Chris or it might have been on another forum.


However, I do wonder how rubber trim would cope with GPS and then topped with Optiseal

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Hello Lowejackson,


This vid with Yvan shows them using OOS on just about every non-cloth material. It's where I thought of using it on tires......



Tempest45, I continued searching for the comments saying Optiseal is not rubber friendly. It is possible the comments have been deleted or my memory is faulty (not unknown). I am sure Ron will be able to give the official answer

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