ONR interior Glass cleaning trick?

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Hello everybody!

Just now, I might have discovered a nice glass cleaning trick with ONR. Testing of course has been very limited, but I would like to share it ASAP, maybe get some feedback from other people.

The trick:

You probably already have what you need. A bucket ofwarm/hot ONR at standard dilution and the UBS or BRS, and a twist loop manageable drying towel, like The Rag Company's Double Twistress. I feel these do a way better job than dedicated glass towels. Take the sponge out of the solution, wring it out as much as possible. It will feel like you're tearing your $20 sponge apart, but they're very resilliant (do be carefull though haha). Then hit the glass with the sponge, and it should barely leave a smear on the glass. The crazy thing is, these smears will basically completely disappear, and the glass will be pretty slick to wipe with the towel afterwards. Take extra care near the edges of the glass, where more water will be present from the sponge.

So nothing major, but it seems to work very well! And added benefit in my experience, is that your sponge will get softer from this as well. My BRS is CRAAAAAZY soft, probably due to me wringing it out when I'm cleaning it. This will likely do the same!

I'm eager to hear if this works for others as well!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find I don’t even usually clean the exterior glass aside from using the sponge and drying after using ONR. 9/10 times the exterior glass looks great after that alone! (Well that and optimum car wax as a drying aid). 

I’ll have to try going back over with the sponge almost dry if I see any streaks. I have that same towel too but haven’t tried it for glass cleaning specifically yet. 

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