ONR Aircraft / Plexiglass

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Hi - I've tried searching the forums but and not finding any posts on either of the above items.

I've read some great reviews along with a highlight ONR is safe for use on aircraft.

I presume this means its been tested on aluminum and does not contain corrosive chemicals?

From the descriptions its safe on plastic ... does this include plexiglass windows.

Thanks -


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ONR contains no corrosive chemicals and is safe on all surfaces.  Optimum at one time had an aerospace line that included ONR and products were used on all aviation surfaces.

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I know you're asking Ron...ONR is a very mild, soy-based polymer cleaner.  You're diluting it 256:1 with water in most instances.  I'm not sure quite what you mean how ONR will "react" to your plexi polish/cleaners that you mention.  It's very mild, but of course as a contact wash, it's likely to remove the silicone left behind by Lemon Pledge, possibly what Prist is leaving behind, probably not what All Clear is leaving behind.

If you're trying to maintain your windshield protection, you might want to look at ONRWW, which is going to leave some minor protection behind, although not something that's going to hold up to wipers.

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great answer and good suggestion for ONRWW.

My background was in aerospace before meeting Dr G and we put together an aviation line (Topflight) that included ONR, Opti-Seal, and Protectant Plus.

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Thanks guys. Appreciate the responses. I'm going to give this a go over the weekend and will post the results. 

@Setec Astronomy Quick correction on my part re: plexiglass window cleaner ... in the past we've used Lemon Pledge, Prist or Clear View by Aviation Laboratories (not All Clear). We'll probably continue to use one of these after the ONR wash. Thanks again for jumping in.

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evidence that people can surprise you - everyone has a back story, some more interesting than others!

RickG, be assured Optimum products have been used in aviation for years and with no issues.  Opti-Coat Pro actually has been tested by Boeing - would have sought additional product testing but between FAA regs and Boeing red tape, wasn't worth effort.

Boeing D6-17487T Test for Pro - available at opticoat.com under the Ceramic Coatings link. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I can describe my first experience with ONR in one word - success! I was really surprised how well it did loosing up dirt and grime ... the top of the wings were covered in dust and pollen ... I slung a mop head (soaked in a 2 gallon bucket of water with 2 bottle caps of ONR) over the top to wet things down. Used a BRS on the rest of the fuselage including plexiglass. This aircraft was last painted in 1976 - meaning this paint is 48 years old - and the results are just great! I'm surprised how clean things stayed (including the leading edge of the wings which often pick up bugs etc) after a flight. I haven't tackled under the plane yet; I presume I'll need to stick with products better at removing exhaust stains and grease (unless someone suggests otherwise)! When the mechanics at the field saw the results they immediately ordered a bottle (as did a fellow pilot). Thanks again for the help -ONR-1.thumb.jpg.650646c63fbb2c38d7d0ed021dfc0f6e.jpgONR-3.jpg.e1488cd9a3387c8b9267bf6f37d6b502.jpg

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Suggestion for exhaust and grease - Optimum Power Clean, an all purpose cleaner.  Usually diluted 1:3 for paint, can be used concentrated for grease, tires, etc.  Be sure to rinse (ONR is great to rinse with, offsets pH).  Thanks for the feedback!

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6 hours ago, RickG said:

Well I can describe my first experience with ONR in one word - success! I was really surprised how well it did loosing up dirt and grime ... the top of the wings were covered in dust and pollen ... I slung a mop head (soaked in a 2 gallon bucket of water with 2 bottle caps of ONR) over the top to wet things down. Used a BRS on the rest of the fuselage including plexiglass. This aircraft was last painted in 1976 - meaning this paint is 48 years old - and the results are just great! I'm surprised how clean things stayed (including the leading edge of the wings which often pick up bugs etc) after a flight. I haven't tackled under the plane yet; I presume I'll need to stick with products better at removing exhaust stains and grease (unless someone suggests otherwise)! When the mechanics at the field saw the results they immediately ordered a bottle (as did a fellow pilot). Thanks again for the help -ONR-1.thumb.jpg.650646c63fbb2c38d7d0ed021dfc0f6e.jpgONR-3.jpg.e1488cd9a3387c8b9267bf6f37d6b502.jpg

Looks great!


I believe the old ONR labels had aircraft on it. The gallon jug of Opti Clean has a picture of a yellow aircraft on it. 


My co-worker used to detail planes at Oakland County airport in Waterford MI. I believe he used ONR on the planes. 


I'm a little shocked to see that 1976 now equals 48 years ago, we'll, not until 8/15 for me anyways... 

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