Lake Country Blue Grout Sponge with ONR

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Based on reviews Lake Country Blue Grout Sponge is a lot firmer than the Big Red Sponge and the Big Black Sponge, would that cause any issues like marring or scratching? Should I try and soak it for 24 hours in ONR before use as well?

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I'm not a big fan of sponges, I use microfiber wash pads, there are a lot of options in that category these days, not sure for you, since you are in the Euro zone.  There are also some smaller sort of triangular shaped sponges that have become popular for rinseless washing, I believe those are softer.

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I got BRS and Lake Country Blue Grout Sponge, damn they are so different. I was wrong thinking they are even similar. BRS is so much softer with smaller pores night and day difference. I will probably use the Blue sponge just for windows and tyres. 

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Ron, grout sponges became a thing for washing cars about 20 years ago (they are soft and hold a lot of wash solution).  I would argue that the BRS, etc. were developed to provide a detailing-specific alternative to a "real" grout sponge.  The Lake Country sponge that sabotage is talking about is a specific detailing sponge, not intended for grout.  It looks just like the BRS except for the color, except obviously the foam is different.  Not everyone who sells it calls it a "grout" sponge, but some do.

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Thanks for the info, Setec.  I think Dr G had a prototype of that blue sponge and gave it to me prior to OPT carrying the BRS.  It didn't last long as I remember. I think people overthink wash media, it's wash product that matters...and good maintenance habits.

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The grout sponges were a passing fad, a "flavor-of-the-month" thing.  I don't know who got the idea, but the idea flew around the forums and everyone had to get a grout sponge.  There was a lot of back and forth about whether the ones from Lowe's were better than Home Depot, etc.  Most of us didn't get on the sponge bandwagon, I'm kind of surprised they've made such a comeback now.  When I came to detailing forums 20 years ago using a sponge to wash your car was like using a beach towel to dry it--frowned upon.  Of course those were cellulose sponges.

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Yep! I've used them for years. 


I use the BRS these days, but I leave that LC blue sponge at work. I actually used it today to prep a Lambo Urus for PPF. 


ONR must lubricate well enough that I've not yet seen any marring from it. 

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