OPT Status-Update


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Hey All (Ron),

I was wondering what life's like at OPT, how's it hanging at the office.

Dr. G. still busy changing the game? I read he was out for a while, though that may have been some time ago.

Ron, you doing well for yourself? Hope all is well over there with the situation we are currently in. Here in The Netherlands, life has slowed down ALOT. Really bizarre.



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At this point, operations are as usual in Memphis, but Shay Wallace (GM) is working from home due to family/health concerns.  Dr G is back in the saddle and refining a new ceramic coating with some serious improvements.  I already work from home (as does my wife) so this is not big life style change.  We're healthy with no pre-existing medical conditions, but are in a threatened age group and not taking chances. 

I've actually gotten busier lately, guessing people stuck at home are washing/detailing cars in their spare time?

An old Irish saying is "may you live in interesting times" - this is more "interesting" than I need.  Be safe, Rik!

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15 hours ago, Ron@Optimum said:

At this point, operations are as usual in Memphis, but Shay Wallace (GM) is working from home due to family/health concerns.  Dr G is back in the saddle and refining a new ceramic coating with some serious improvements.  I already work from home (as does my wife) so this is not big life style change.  We're healthy with no pre-existing medical conditions, but are in a threatened age group and not taking chances. 

I've actually gotten busier lately, guessing people stuck at home are washing/detailing cars in their spare time?

An old Irish saying is "may you live in interesting times" - this is more "interesting" than I need.  Be safe, Rik!

Great to hear operations are mostly as usual and Dr. G. is working his brains. Hopefully it stays that way.

I think so as well, now people are "free"/free from work, they're working on there cars.

I'll keep that saying in mind, and I agree, I'm actually struck by the absurdity of this all at least once every day. You stay safe as well, Ron, as well as your loved ones, good to hear you are taking pre-cautions. I'll most likely be completely fine, hopefully my more vurnerable friends and family will be as well.

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