Questions about ONR, Optimum Spray Wax, and polishing

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I just got my first car and I want to try and take the best care of it as I can. I just washed the car yesterday with ONR and the big red sponge, and dried with normal microfiber towels- I thought it did a really good job. I also bought optimum car wax, but I'm hesitant to use it because it says it has a new ceramic formula. How does that work if I want to polish my car? Is it OK if I do this approach:

  1. Wash with ONR + big red sponge and dry with microfiber towel.
  2. Use claybar kit - spray instant detailer and claybar the car.
  3. Polish the car (I'm just hand polishing and will probably just get the areas that I feel really need it).
  4. Use Optimum Spray Wax after polishing and a microfiber.

What do you think? Additionally, what if I want to polish the whole car, but only do it panel by panel throughout the week. Would I only apply the optimum spray wax to the area I polished? And when I come back later in the week, repeat steps 1-4? I'm guessing I wouldn't claybar the areas I've already polished / waxed, correct?

Thanks for any help and I'm excited to learn more about the products at Optimum!


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Your process looks fine and will work. I would however use ONR as my clay lube as it would be more cost effective. Get a gallon of distilled water and put 2oz of ONR in it. Put that into a spray bottle and use it as clay lube. Save that instant detailer. If you still have the ONR clay lube formula after you can use it for windows or bird poop or other things as well. Yes, only apply the wax once you’re done with a section. You could just do the entire clay job over a week and then wash one more time and spray wax the whole thing all at once. 

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I agree with Zombie regarding the clay lube.


As far as Car Wax containing ceramic, it still not a true ceramic coating in the modern sense, like Gloss Coat. You won't have too many problems removing it if you need to polish something again. 


You can absolutely go panel by panel, and wax as you go. 




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 a little different spin from Zombie and Dlc - while ONR is cheaper, Instant Detailer or Spray Wax are slicker and may provide better protection, plus you can dry and have a waxed car in 1 step.  Secondly, how often do you clay/polish, not something that needs to be done frequently?  Spray Wax is not a spray on ceramic, the ceramic component allows it bond for longevity to a coated car and adds durability but does not equal a coating. Polishing will reduce Wax but hand polishing with a product like Hyper Polish probably would not remove it. There is more than 1 right way to do things, pick the one that works best for you.

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On 6/1/2024 at 5:20 PM, vdubJettta said:


I just got my first car and I want to try and take the best care of it as I can. I just washed the car yesterday with ONR and the big red sponge, and dried with normal microfiber towels- I thought it did a really good job. I also bought optimum car wax, but I'm hesitant to use it because it says it has a new ceramic formula. How does that work if I want to polish my car? Is it OK if I do this approach:

  1. Wash with ONR + big red sponge and dry with microfiber towel.
  2. Use claybar kit - spray instant detailer and claybar the car.
  3. Polish the car (I'm just hand polishing and will probably just get the areas that I feel really need it).
  4. Use Optimum Spray Wax after polishing and a microfiber.

What do you think? Additionally, what if I want to polish the whole car, but only do it panel by panel throughout the week. Would I only apply the optimum spray wax to the area I polished? And when I come back later in the week, repeat steps 1-4? I'm guessing I wouldn't claybar the areas I've already polished / waxed, correct?

Thanks for any help and I'm excited to learn more about the products at Optimum!



I have been using optimum  products  for about 5 years  very happy.

I would first clean the car with power clean mixed with optimum soap then agitate with microfiber soaked in onr.   Then I would  polish the entire car with out any product on top even it's over a couple of days.  This way your not polishing off wax our any other product back onto the clean area   then  when done polishing if it's over a couple of days i would wash with onr  then paint prep and finally what ever topper you want.  I find that after this much work you might as well gloss coat  the car . This will give you the best results in my opinion.  Top it with hyperseal when washing with onr  and  you won't have to polish in a few years  this is what i did  my 15 year old element  looks brand new. 

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19 hours ago, Ron@Optimum said:

 a little different spin from Zombie and Dlc - while ONR is cheaper, Instant Detailer or Spray Wax are slicker and may provide better protection, plus you can dry and have a waxed car in 1 step.  Secondly, how often do you clay/polish, not something that needs to be done frequently?  Spray Wax is not a spray on ceramic, the ceramic component allows it bond for longevity to a coated car and adds durability but does not equal a coating. Polishing will reduce Wax but hand polishing with a product like Hyper Polish probably would not remove it. There is more than 1 right way to do things, pick the one that works best for you.

I love that, Ron. 


Instant Detailer is one of my absolute favorite products, so I'll give it a try. 


The Car Wax is substantial, but I wasn't aware the new version was going to be that tough.  

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Optimum has been upping it's ceramic game for awhile (impressive because we started the game) - ceramic components really add durability and gloss, have no downside except not particularly slick.  OPT added ceramic to Wax, Opti-Seal and introduced Ultra Ceramic Seal for improved slickness.

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I love hearing that, Ron! 


I have faith in the line. It's helping out and making a difference in a pretty rough time.  It makes me much more efficient, and so much  less wear and tear on me and my towels, pads, tools, etc, etc, etc. To know that what I've been using thus far is going to have added value to it.


I've never had a complaint about anything since I started using the line. Car Wax is my default protection for any service post polishing. I up charge for Opti-Seal, Hyper Seal, Gloss Coat.  So there is a lot of flexibility in options, and even combining options of protection. 


I use the Hyper Twins and GPS now, so I know I won't have any compatibility issues with the protectants bonding. 


So I'm really appreciative towards Dr. G  and all of you on the team. Especially after today and you guys helping me make some much needed money in a minimal amount of time. Amd like I said - less wear and tear on the body.  It's because I'm expending so much less effort, I'm using so much less products and product, so I don't move as much. 


The ability to clay as I wash before polishing with the clay towel saves SO much time. It's not that I'm lazy  it's that I want to be as efficient as possible because it allows me to to do a better job. I can't use my process at work anymore because the shop now has it's own product line. I get paid by the hour there, so to take a day to do one car is not out of the norm. I can do two polish / protect in one day with Optimum. 


I've done this since 1996. More seriously since 2013. It's been so much fun and I make pretty ok money. Meguiar's is another favorite that I might use once in a while. I still use the 3D polishes at work simply because the 8oz bottles fit in my Tough Built tool bag, I may replace them with the sample size of The Hyper Twins. 


Anyways I so much more to say, but this is already a book in and of it's self. I question the etiquette of evenbposting this 😆


But just want to express my appreciation, and communicate how much help the line has been. I back everything up too. I'd be happy to reinstall anything that may be perceived as prematurely failed, but I haven't had that happen yet. 

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22 hours ago, Habs said:


I have been using optimum  products  for about 5 years  very happy.

I would first clean the car with power clean mixed with optimum soap then agitate with microfiber soaked in onr.   Then I would  polish the entire car with out any product on top even it's over a couple of days.  This way your not polishing off wax our any other product back onto the clean area   then  when done polishing if it's over a couple of days i would wash with onr  then paint prep and finally what ever topper you want.  I find that after this much work you might as well gloss coat  the car . This will give you the best results in my opinion.  Top it with hyperseal when washing with onr  and  you won't have to polish in a few years  this is what i did  my 15 year old element  looks brand new. 

Same combo I gave my gf's Jeep when she since 2021. Did re do the drivers side with CarPro Cquartz UK 3 0 + Gliss just to see it's performance - which was great, but I didn't like the wash / maintenance program. I also didn't enjoy how sensitive to water spots it was. She had to park in the driveway one night last summer, and the sprinkler hit it. It sat in the high sun and I never had to deal with any water spots, where in the past I have. Gloss Coat just fits my program like a glove. It's the perfect fit for me and my niche. 


Love the comment too. Thanks for sharing. 

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