new ONR wash and wax

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I don't have the ONRWW yet, but I frequently put 1oz of OCW into my ONR wash whenever I wash my Opti Guarded cars and boats. Some may argue It's a waste of OCW, but I like the additional glow from OCW.

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So i now ive read here not to top OC with anything, but is the new ONR wash and wax ok to use on an OC'd vehicle???


I can't see a problem with doing that. I'll continue to either use Optimum Car Wax or Instant Detail and Gloss Enhancer on my vehicles that have OC on them. Maybe it is an old habbit that I can't give up... ;) If anything, it will add some additional gloss and slickness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's nothing wrong with topping OC at all with your favorite wax in my opinion as long as it's not an all in one with abrasives. It probably won't stick very long but it isn't going to hurt. There was a guy on another forum who topped his Opti-Guarded Jag with Ultimate Wax because he liked the look. I usually just use OID after a wash but to each their own.

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  • 3 weeks later...

They're calling for 6" of snow and blizzard conditions tonight / tomorrow and I'm going to wash my car tonight.


Why.....I just got my NRWW !


As a ONR v2 user who held out v3 thinking v4 was coming soon....I can't wait to try NRWW.


I pre-mixed some QD strength and washed every mirror and glass surface in the house.....and it's awesome.

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  • 5 weeks later...


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