A Hyper Seal critique...


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Preface: It's just me, what do I know!

I have been using Gloss Coat, (Bi-annually), Quick Detailer (almost daily) and Opti Seal (infrequently) for a number of years now and only recently purchased Hyper Seal (and MDR and M-Wash) 

First impression: I absolutely hate (hate, hate) the sprayer. It's hard to hold with no hook/wedge to support the bottle in your hand. Plus the spray pattern, at least on my bottle, was inconsistent and difficult to manipulate. I ended up using a quick detailer spray head on my Hyper Seal bottle. 

1. I am assuming that Hyper Seal takes some time to cure on the surface. Can anyone elaborate? 

2. In my experience, so far, I find the slickness to be a disappointment. I get a far slicker surface using Optimum Quick Detailer. I apply with a microfiber. I don't know if there is a difference spraying the surface versus on the towel. Thoughts?

3. Things I've read say that Hyper Seal can last a year. But then other sources state that it's good to use frequently with washes. So what is it? Durable or a "use it often" kind of product. 

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First, I agree with your opinion of the sprayer and have passed on to Dr G. I put Hyper Seal into an Opti-Seal bottle and find that corrects the problem.  Cure time is 1 hour, but is dependent on variables like temperature, humidity, etc.  IMO slickness is hard to quantify and personal.  Dr G states that's the least important coating characteristic, at least to him.  Ease of use, durability, protection from etching, ability to shed dirt/pollutants, and looks are higher on his list. Durability is another "hard to quantify" value.  Under Ideal conditions (garaged car, low driving miles, well maintained in low pollution area, HS not applied as drying aid, etc) Hyper Seal should last 1 year+.  Also it's hard to know whether HS is present, particularly because wash products like ONR can perform like sealants short term. We recommend regular application because few cars are in that category, users can be confident they are protected, it takes little product and is do easy to use, and frankly Optimum is in the business to sell Hyper Seal. Every product I'm aware of has tradeoffs - Instant Detailer is not durable for instance. If slickness is important, try Ultra Ceramic Seal, longevity is greater than a wax and it is silky, at least to my insensitive fingers.

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Thanks, Ron. I appreciate your input. Great idea about using the Opta-Seal bottle. It does have a finer mist pattern. I'll do that. I get what Dr G is saying about durability vs slickness. I agree. But we all get caught up in the psychology of detailing and being slick gives us a "feel" that we have accomplished something. That the finish is better than before we detailed. I'm guilty of that need for instant gratification. 

Good to know that the HyperSeal cure time is an hour. Is it "stickier" before it cures? I imagined that the feel of it was slicker (Here we go again) the next day when I felt the surface again. Maybe that was just in my head. Also, since HyperSeal can be used rather imprecisely, such as a drying aid, is it critical to get it distributed across the surface super evenly? In other words, if I get a spot heavily coated is there a risk of damage if it isn't wiped off? With most coatings, for instance, we always look for high spots to wipe away before it cures. Do we need to be as particular with the HyperSeal application process?

I may look into Ultra Ceramic Seal as you suggest. I'm just super curious now how these all compare. Like you say, so much is subjective and we each value the benefits (slickness, durability, etc) differently. In fact most of my cars fall into the low miles, always garaged, always pampered category. Only one is really the workhorse that takes the brunt of abuse. I call that our "beater" and test mule for various products. 

While I have your attention I'll hijack my own thread by asking you about the new formula for Instant Detailer. I was physically overwhelmed that it now smells like rancid vinegar. Oh my gosh it's horrible. Almost to the point that I may stop using it, horrible. Did I get a bad batch or is this no longer scented on purpose? It's really a nose full! Yuck. Instant Detailer was my favorite. I use it constantly. I'm really bummed. 

Thanks Ron!


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you are the master of unanswerable questions...HS can be tacky as it cures, particularly when too much is used (easy to do in that spray bottle).  Hyper Seal has a reputation of getting more slick the next day.  Not sure what you mean by "super evenly", the goal is even distribution but high spots are rare and easily leveled, either a quick wipe down or apply a 2nd layer. Can't imagine HS causing "damage", I've never had an issue. The Instant Detailer formula was revised to improve it's cleaning, particularly water spot removal, and those chemicals have an obvious odor.  FYI, the 32 oz and gallons are the old formula, the old fragrance.

I get that slickness and shine are 2 easily identified characteristics, but are so subjective and IMO opinion open to behavioral modification.  When I tell neutral observers how glossy a car looks, they see what I see...or want them to see!

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I think hyperseal  is one of the top five products from optimum.  I am using it on top  of glosscoat . I find to get that really good slickness and more gloss is after a power clean wash then paint prep . As for the sprayer i don't use one at all  I just pour some on  to a 3 inch round  microfiber pad and apply  it . After the car is done I do the doorjambs and rims  to gef all of the product out of the pad.  Just my 2 cents worth lol. 

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1 hour ago, Ron@Optimum said:

you are the master of unanswerable questions...

Yea, my mom has been saying the same thing since I was 7.  

A second layer or HS can fix a leveling issue? Does it re-activate the previous layer?

I didn't mean actual damage, I was thinking something more like cloudiness from not leveling or not curing properly. I just surmised that since HS could be applied as a drying aid that you didn't have to worry to much about leveling issues, say, compared with Gloss Coat where I apply it very precisely and slowly and really look to be sure its all flashed off perfectly on a panel before moving on. Perhaps I am worried too much about Gloss Coat, too. I meant to ask, does HS need a totally prepped and cleaned surface or can I apply it over previous coats which also have Instant Detailer layered on them?

As for Instant Detailer, I think the change in formula is a mistake. (Not that Dr G needs my approval)  I've never encountered a product, that's meant for frequent use, NOT to have attractive and inviting aromatic qualities that help you enjoy the process. That invite you to use more. Buy more.  In this case I won't. It's a relief, though, to know I can still get larger sizes of the old formula. I'll do that. Does Instant Detailer have a shelf life?  Sorry for the rant. I need to go bake some warm cookies now and inhale.  🙂

Habs: Good tips!

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Brad, I usually apply Hyper Seal like I would Gloss Coat or Opti-Seal.  Like Gloss Coat it's tacky on initial application, but it does "cure" by the next day. I can feel the slickness very well under a towel when wiping the paint.  If I want more slicknes I'll add Car Wax or Instant Detailer.  Thankfully I got used to the HS sprayer head, but it's a little awkward to use.


I have a gallon of panel wipe from 3D and it stinks like vinegar. The receptionist at work had to close the door when I was working near that part of the building! I took it to work so I could use it up...  I'm battling the urge to pour it out the drain. Instead, I'll let my boss pay me for it..  It will be replaced with the Optimum Paint Prep. 


I'm a little disappointed to hear of the changes to IDGE, but I'll be stocking up gallons of it so I can use either as needed.


That Ultra Ceramic Seal is an excellent product! My gf has had to park her vehicle in the driveway where the sprinklers hit (condo unit). In the past (when I was using other lsp's) we had water spotting issues if that happened. This time she marveled that there were no water spots to speak of. I have Gloss Coat on as a base, but put UCS on just before she had to park outside.  I recommend giving ot a try if you like Optimum offerings. 


Thank you for asking these questions. Love the discussion. 

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Brad, I feel you're overthinking all this.  I'm not a Pro installer and don't present myself as one, but I've never had any problem with Gloss-Coat or Hyper Seal other than rare high spots (and streaking with HS), both solved by going back over with a little product on the pad.  I'm not sure of the chemistry, but the product causes self-leveling.  You make HS sound like a true ceramic coating and while it is a hybrid and has ceramic components, it is not nearly as finicky.  I can't speak to Dr Gs thought process on Instant Detailer, but sometimes trying to fix 1 thing (water spots) you create another issue.  At least the less odorous IDGE is still available.

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5 hours ago, Ron@Optimum said:

Brad, I feel you're overthinking all this.  

 But, but, that's one of my endearing qualities! 😘 

Ok, I get it! You've cleared up a lot of things for me. Thanks a lot! I feel a little less stressed about it now. 😎

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After reading all the complaints about the lousy spray nozzle on HyperSeal, the first time I used it, I poured the contents of the original bottle into a Car Pro Dilute spray bottle. The spray came out like a very fine mist. I used it after a wash with Opti Coat No Rinse and had no issues whatsoever. You could say it was used as a drying aid, since I hadn't dried the little bit of water remaining after the contact wash, but I really put it on as a protectant over my already overprotected ceramic coat of Pro+ and Pro 3.

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Ron, earlier in this thread you mentioned the Ultra Ceramic Seal as being slick. How would that fit into my regimen given that I use Gloss Coat as a base and Hyper Seal as a booster? (Instant Detailer will always be used as a daily maintenance product. )

Or does one replace the other? The Optimum website product descriptions are a bit vague and there is certainly overlap of benefits.

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I would not layer Hyper Seal and Ultra, but use either/or based on what you want...durability vs slickness.  I also think Instant Detailer would provide slickness.  May not be what you want to hear, but you can't have it all - products work at cross-purposes - components that offer 1 characteristic reduce another.  For instance gloss/slickness chemicals lower durability.  That's the reason Optimum created Ultra...for those who feel slickness is more important than longevity.

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