Experience rinsing ONR w/ distilled water

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For a business oppurtinuty, there may be a need to wash big delivery fans/lorries with ONR. One of the challenges is drying, or at least preventing water/polymer spots.

Yvan Lacroix has stated it's possible to rinse ONR with distilled water for a perfect finish. I would like to hear other people's experience on this and how you went about it. Thanks!

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On 3/22/2021 at 7:54 AM, Mr.Outback said:

I've used ONR with distilled water in a small IK 2.0 sprayer as a "final rinse" stage (wash, blow dry, rinse with ONR/distilled H20, microfiber dry). Seems to work well.

I've tried this several times now and the ONR spray/IK 2.0 sprayer combo,  followed by gentle thick microfiber wipeoff ,  has done good job removing minor grime.

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When I wash with onr I rinse car (honda element) then use a ik pro 12 sprayer this thing can be pumped up with pressure about45psi with a long wand and quickly soak the hole car with onr. Then I wash the complete  car with several wash mitts soaked in onr and yes when I go back to dry depending on the heat of the day the onr might start to dry  . You can just use a small ik sprayer and put a little  more onr on the panel and your good to go. Of course  I take it a little further and I have a cheap little weed sprayer that I have onrww in it and a shot of spray wax in there for good measure and warm water if it's cold and then  do one panel at a time with drying towel dampened with onrww Very nice shine and quick.  If your doing large trucks this ik pro 12  sprayer I have would really speed things up . It also can lay down a excellent  layer of optimums car soap for those people who have not gone to the dark side completly lol. Hope  this  helps 

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  • 1 month later...

Letting the sprayed distilled water + ONR solution dwell for a couple of minutes  seems to help with bug removal, though after microfiber drying I find buggy windows usually need additional cleaning.  Still, this process's far easier for mildly dirty vehicles than lugging out/ using the buckets, sponges, etc., and can be done in the garage with little mess.   Also, spraying the ONR instantly shows how well the coating's protecting the coated vehicle.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For that matter, I wonder if anyone has attempted using ONR in a pressure washer to see if it helps reduce scratching a pressure washer can cause by its "grinding" the dirt it's rinsing off across the vehicle's paint.  As workaround, Yvan and Pan the Organizer have suggested using an ONR pre-spray to prep the vehicle before the initial pressure wash rinse.

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  • 4 weeks later...

While the above posts were helpfull, they didn't really apply to my question.

What I was wondering was;

After washing the car with ONR, rinsing the car with DI/Spot-free water, what would the result be? Does anyone have any experience with this.

I did some testing myself, using self serve carwashes. One gave SEVERE crusty waterspots after baking in the sun lol, luckily ONR made short work of it and removed it all.

The second one left small, hard-to-see watermarks on the car. Boy was it the quickest wash ever though haha. Just sponge it up and rinse it off. Such a pleasant and easy experience, with awesome beading afterwards (OOS & OCW). Results below.


Will be testing a third one later today.


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I've had similar problems with car washes.  Could be your car wash's "distilled water" isn't distilled, or a slow flow of "distilled" water and long feeder hose length prevents distilled water from reaching the spray head in the given time frame.  Also, many car washes are poorly maintained with their "distilling" resin canisters used up. 

In past I used Mr. Clean's carwash applicator which contained a small distiller cartridge (not suitable for large vehicles, though).  There are 3rd party resin bottles (Griot's garage) that are hose attachable that might provide enough distilled water for a large vehicle.


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Thanks for the reply, Outback! Sure makes sense that the Self Serve carwashes are neglected. I just visited the third one, and probably the nicest one. Sadly similar results to the second one.

For good measure I tested a second car this time, and only ONR'd half the car. Thinking that maybe that could have been the problem, but it seems the spotting is the same.

Thanks for the advice on the spot-free stuff. I'm currently looking into it, but I don't really understand how it works/what I would need yet.

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Amazon.com has an assortment of deionizers, some starting at $30.  IMHO using  a low flow rate through any of them is needed to allow time for their resin to remove water minerals.

FYI when using ONR in distilled water and applied via sprayer, I've yet to see any water spotting after drying the vehicle, provided I wipe up _all_ applied water and suspended dirt.  On a very dirty vehicle more steps would be needed.

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